Monday, May 11, 2015

Week Twelve

I'm getting tired of talking about diet and weight loss.  I'm not losing my motivation to get healthy, I'm just sick of talking about it and blogging about it.  I had a plan.  I was just going to post my numbers. No more thinking of what to say and finding a thin-spiration, I was excited.  Over the course of the week Infiknitgirl and I have had multiple people tell us either they've started getting healthier, or gotten more serious about their diet because they've been inspired by our blogs.  I have no idea how many people I know read my blog but it looks like I'm getting a few hundred page hits per months.  I'll keep blogging for now, I don't really feel like I have anything important to say, but it seems to be helping folks.

Down 2 lbs this week. I'm still on track pretty well for my overall goal.  I've been lazy this week.  I didn't hit my steps goal any day this week and I only worked out one day.  Luckily I did well enough on my eating to still lose 2 lbs this week.  This week my goal is to lift weights 3 nights, and do the stationary bike 3 times.  I've got a lot more weights to lose and I'm a long way from being as strong and I want to be.  I'm not going to get to either goal without consistency in my work outs.  

I took progress pics this weekend I'm trying to do them every 10 lbs.  You can really see the difference that 20 lbs makes, but I still have a long way to go.  

2-15  252 lbs Starting Weight
2-22  248 lbs Week one
3-1   244 lbs Week two
3-8   243 lbs Week three
3-15  244 lbs Week four
3-22  241 lbs Week five
3-29  239 lbs Week six
4-5   244 lbs Week seven
4-13  237 lbs Week eight
4-19  237 lbs Week nine
4-26  235 lbs Week ten
5-5   233 lbs Week eleven
5-10  231 lbs week twelve

This weeks thin-spiration is my bestie "The Asshole Carpenter."  He's starting his own weight loss journey this week in an attempt to lose enough wight to alleviate his knee pain that he gets when he runs.  It's humbling to know that his starting weight is the same as my ending weight.   I hope my ending picture is as thin as his starting picture is!

This week Infiknitgirl and I were watching a movie with Jennifer Aniston and we were both realy impressed with how amazing she looks for her age.  She asked me to find some picture from the movie to post as her thin-spiration.  I found them and sent them to her and she said that she's not going to post them on her blog.  Instead she asked that I post them on my blog as her thin-spiration.  I don't really understand, but here you go baby.  Here's Jennifer Aniston looking super fit at the age of 42.


  1. Here's to looking that good at 40!!

  2. I showed Dan the other day what a pound physically looks like. Pulled a lb of ground beef out of the freezer. I think it finally hit him that Every. Single. Pound. Counts. It's awesome to read your progress!

    1. I have 20 pounds of weight plates stacked I'm my gym. It's amazing to pick it up and realize I used to be carrying that on me all the time. I can't wait to add more plates to that stack!
