Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week 3

Ok, so today is the last day of week three.  I know 4 lbs a week is not sustainable or healthy over a long period.  My weekly goal is 2 lbs a week.  I expected and got a big drop at the start.  I expected a week or two flat with no loss, or even a slight gain back.  Logically I know this is how it happens.  That being said I'm still a bit disappointed that I only lost a pound this week.  Having said all that, I have seen a lot of changes besides the scale.  I'm fine now eating less calories.  I'm hungry much less often.  I'm satisfied with my portion sizes.  I'm looking forward to my walks at work.  I can also see and feel the changes.  My pants have gone from tight to baggy.  My belly is smaller, and my shirts fit better.  I can also feel the muscles in my core are much stronger.  Hopefully I won't plateau or gain next week.  I need the scale to drop to stay motivated!  I averaged 5600 steps a day which is good considering a I had 2 days under 3000.

2-15  252 lbs  Starting Weight
2-22  248 lbs  Week one
3-1    244 lbs  Week two
3-8    243 lbs  Week three

This weeks thin-spiration is my friend commonly known as The Rich Bitch.  She recently had a baby and shed the baby weight so fast it looked like magic.  In reality I know it was from hard work, sacrifice, and lots of exercise.  She posts her running route on facebook a few times a week and it always reminds me how hard she's worked and continues to work to get in shape.  We might have to change her name to The Skinny Bitch this summer!

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