Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I'm loving my weightlifting program

Now that I've gone from unorganized weightlifting to following the Stronglifts 5x5 program I'm seeing a HUGE difference.  I've never worked out this hard in my life and I'm actually enjoying it.   I don't think I'll ever get into running but I think I can relate to the runner's high now.  I'm working on maintaining good form, this program has me ramping up the weight of my lifts pretty aggressively and I'm worried I'll injure myself if I let my form falter.

I've also started to hit the wall on recovery.  I'm lifting ever other day and I'm sore enough that I'm starting to consistently walk funny.  Today I ordered a post work out amino acid supplement to help recover faster. Danger has decided he wants to get strong like daddy.  Most nights when I work out he comes down with me.  He lifts his own weights, helps me count reps, and makes fun of me for sweating and grunting.

Ok, that's all I'm going to say about weightlifting for a while, I don't want to be like those Vegan Crossfitters that can't talk about anything else.

1 comment:

  1. It's ok if it's all you talk about; it means you're passionate about it.
