Friday, June 19, 2015

I'm back bitches!

There was no post for week 17, I was out of town and lax on the diet.  I gained two or three lbs.  This week I suspended the diet.  There was a death in the family and I Infiknit Girl and I said screw it.  I gained another few lbs.  I was on a plateau for a few weeks any way.  I needed this and it will help me get serious again.  Tomorrow I'm sleeping in but when I get up I'm not eating any of the poptarts and donuts I got for the kids (3 of the kids cousins are sleeping over), I'm making a few eggs, and I'm back to eating clean.  I'm also going back to my lifting.  I've missed it in the last week.  Time to add another 25 lbs to the 25 lbs I've lost so far.

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